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I'm struggling - UPDATE 05/29/17

I'm struggling - UPDATE 05/29/17      A lot has happened to me mentally during the duration of my last post. For a shorten story, I was cheated on by this guy I have been off and on for awhile now. I wasn't devastated though, more disappointed in myself and kind of relieved. Like I said, I was off and on with this guy, I couldn't leave him no matter the situation, until now. God and my dearest Great- Grandmother stepped in and taught me a hard lesson, but felt grateful for their guidance I'm not gonna lie, during the moment I found out through someone else I wanted to cause harm to the guy, but I thought to myself "What would that do"? Realistically, say I would of done what I wanted to do, they guy would of been covered in blood, dick detached and bruised all over his body, but knowing the world we live in, there would be a video posted online of the fight and I don't want to be known for violence. I am passionate about spreading LOVE not hate a

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