I'm struggling - UPDATE 05/29/17

I'm struggling - UPDATE 05/29/17
     A lot has happened to me mentally during the duration of my last post. For a shorten story, I was cheated on by this guy I have been off and on for awhile now. I wasn't devastated though, more disappointed in myself and kind of relieved.

Like I said, I was off and on with this guy, I couldn't leave him no matter the situation, until now. God and my dearest Great- Grandmother stepped in and taught me a hard lesson, but felt grateful for their guidance

I'm not gonna lie, during the moment I found out through someone else I wanted to cause harm to the guy, but I thought to myself "What would that do"? Realistically, say I would of done what I wanted to do, they guy would of been covered in blood, dick detached and bruised all over his body, but knowing the world we live in, there would be a video posted online of the fight and I don't want to be known for violence.

I am passionate about spreading LOVE not hate and by me committing some violence towards a person, I would be going back on what I have been preaching. I would be a lier, which is something I hate more than anything!

I'm okay really. I spent the next day with family, just loving and holding my nephew who always cheers me back up. Seriously though he is the cutest human being in this world! I love him so much!

I'm so grateful to have this little guy in my life, because he reminds me to smile and to slow down. Ughh, I LOVE being an auntie to this little guy!!

Like this post if you agree he is so cute! I'm gonna like it too, haha I don't care if it's my post. I can make the rules, haha.

Struggling to find a job. 
Ok, now the main reason on why I wanted to make a post. I'm struggling to find a job so I can pay off my bills. I want to become a Flight Attendant, it's my dream career, but I have to be at least 20 years old to apply. Which I will be by the end of this year, but for now I have to find another job to help me get by.

I'm looking at jobs in the airport such as customer service, travel agencies, bank jobs, and anything involving customer service experience ideally. I'm not looking for retail or grocery jobs, I want a grown up full time position, but if I don't find one soon I will have to apply to those "easy" jobs.

I have a job now, but it's still in construction and won't be done for another month, but I just can't wait around for it to open, because I have bills that need to be paid.

Struggling to find a job has been really stressing me out. I'm not saying there aren't that many jobs out there cause there are, but it's competitive, especially Flight Attendant. The process to get accepted into that career field, I better be ready to come at them with heels. I'm not afraid to whoop some ass, haha.

Any tips you have on job hunting? It would be greatly appreciated! What would you do if you were cheated on? Fight or flight? haha. Let me know what you think. :)


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